Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Perfect Autumn Evening

Tonight we had so much fun raking up the leaves and sliding down into them. It was such a beautiful night. I know evenings like this will be very few and far between in the coming weeks. Robert says they are forecasting snow this week!

Our beautiful maple shed most of its leaves this morning. It's been getting down to freezing the past few nights. This morning the leaves just fell one after another!

Kevin was so funny tonight. He was trying so hard to climb up the slide (like his brothers), and when that didn't work, he worked and worked at going up the ladder and then going back down the ladder. And don't you dare try to stop him or help him! He has quite the stubborn streak. Makes me wonder what we are in for as he gets older!


Scrappycook said...

Tiffany! You are totally amazing with the slide shows! I love all of the photos!

Flying Princess said...

Your kids are sooo adorable (in the rugged manly man sort of way).