Friday, October 19, 2007

The Soundstairs at the Science Museum

I'm trying out posting video. Unfortunately, I don't have any way to edit video on my archaic computer, so sorry if it's too long or don't have to watch it! (I'm thinking I need a Mac now...but those old PC habits die hard!)

This is at the Science Museum...the boys were having a blast going up and down these stairs that play a note each time you step on them. We spent almost the entire day at the museum and saw tons of exhibits, but Ethan kept saying, "Can we go back to the Soundstairs now?" (Translation: "I'm done with learning about refracting light...I want to run around and make noise!") We tried making harmonies, but couldn't coordinate it well enough. Guess we'll have to figure out a way to install these at our house so we can practice.


Cathy said...

Love it!! What a fun musical family. Sadly the Tennants probably would play even the stairs off key.

Flying Princess said...

I totally miss the science museum (and you guys, too). I am very glad that you are blogging, too.